Vanessa Zamora, Video Content Producer at WebmasterWorld, interviewed me on a range of topics, including the impact of Google Instant, Google Suggest, and Google Local on SEO during PubCon, Las Vegas in November 2010.

The video is about (8) minutes in length….but is probably one of the better videos I’ve done in terms of dishing my perspective on a range of issues impacting the search engine optimization (SEO) space, including Google Instant, Google Suggest, Local, and more!

For instance, one of the things I point out is that Google appears to have a commercial bias in the way it generates search results – Type in the letter A into Google and guess what search queries are suggested and displayed as part of Instant? Amazon, AOL, Apple, AT&T. What does this mean? Is it that Google purposefully displays commercially driven terms since that’s how it makes money..since these types of advertisers are the biggest spenders on Google AdWords? Or….is it that we live in a commercially biased world and Google’s search data that drives its algorithm represent the fact that we tend to type specific branded, commercial terms over broad, head terms? What are your thoughts on this one?

Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.